Reference Guide =============== .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 .. automodule:: .. automodule:: goes2go.NEW Custom Accessors ---------------- Field of View ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create polygon objects of the GOES field of view for the ABI and GLM instrument. Access with the ``FOV`` accessor. .. code-block:: python # Get latest multi-channel cloud moisture imagery product. # "G" is an xarray.Dataset of GOES data. G = GOES(satellite=16, product="ABI-L2-MCMIPC").latest() G.FOV.domain # only ABI datasets G.FOV.full_disk # ABI or GLM datasets # Cartopy coordinate reference system for the satellite. .. autoclass:: goes2go.accessors.fieldOfViewAccessor :members: :inherited-members: RGB Recipes ^^^^^^^^^^^ RGB recipes for ABI multichannel cloud moisture imagery files. Access with the ``rgb`` accessor. The RGB method will return a DataArray of the RGB values and also attaches the RGB DataArray to the existing GOES Dataset. .. code-block:: python from goes2go import GOES import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Get latest multi-channel cloud moisture imagery product. # "G" is an xarray.Dataset of multi-channel GOES data (e.g., product="ABI-L2-MCMIPC"). G = GOES(satellite=16, product="ABI-L2-MCMIPC").latest() # Create RGB an plot tc = G.rgb.TrueColor() plt.imshow(tc) nc = G.rgb.NaturalColor() plt.imshow(nc) # etc. # Also can get the Cartopy coordinate reference system crs = To make a simple RGB plot on a Cartopy axes, do the following: .. code-block:: python from goes2go import GOES import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as ccrs # Download and read a GOES ABI MCMIPC dataset G = GOES(satellite=16, product="ABI-L2-MCMIPC").latest() # Make figure on Cartopy axes ax = plt.subplot( ) ax.imshow(G.rgb.TrueColor(), **G.rgb.imshow_kwargs) ax.coastlines() .. image:: /_static/demo_rgb_accessor.png .. autoclass:: goes2go.accessors.rgbAccessor :members: :inherited-members: .. ========================================================================= I would like to get the sphinx-autosummary-accessors to work, but I don't have it working at all.